Winner of 2023 GDUSA Self Promotion Award
A self-promotional zine "dossier" created by internal creative team and secretly delivered via Interoffice Mail to unsuspecting employees. Much like a chain letter, the piece requires recipients to send on once they have read. The content in each dossier is loosely related and inspired by the collective consciousness of its creators. Dossier 01's release coincided with a cultural push for employees to go back-to-office, and its content is related to commuter culture.

Dossier 01 Inspiration
Inspired by everyday migration, we present a travelogue of our times: restless thoughts and lunchtime yearnings; rear-window-esque perspectives; dress-code trends; here for it / over it; office-place horoscopes; CTA missed connections; graffiti musings; and so much more.

Digital Zine
Corresponding digital zine to organize, archive, and share dossier content