Rebranding effort for a portfolio of
140+ Brookfield Properties shopping centers.
140+ Brookfield Properties shopping centers.
Winner of 2022 GDUSA Advertising + Campaigns Award
Winner of 2022 GDUSA Integrated Marketing Campaign Award
Winner of 2022 IHAF Gold B2C Print Advertising Award
Winner of 2022 IHAF Gold B2C Multi-Media Campaign Award
Winner of 2022 GDUSA Integrated Marketing Campaign Award
Winner of 2022 IHAF Gold B2C Print Advertising Award
Winner of 2022 IHAF Gold B2C Multi-Media Campaign Award
We've all been there, sorting through endless pages of products online, thinking we might be searching for the wrong thing altogether. Shopping should be so much more than just searching for stuff, and when you look up from your devices and step out in your community, it is.
It is an adventure. It is family time. It is when you and your friends can catch up. It's more than buying things. It's experiencing them.

Brand Attributes

Brand Color and Shape Palette
The brand shapes and graphic compositions represent the diverse people, cultures, and perspectives that comprise the communities in which Brookfield Properties' shopping centers are located.

Signage and Print Advertising

Key Art Library
To solve the multitude of needs for 140+ properties, a core set of more than 350 pieces of key art was developed in four different aspect ratios. These pieces of art are deployed into flexible templates. A small selection of the library can be viewed below.

Environmental Graphics

Seasonal Radio
Brand Guidelines